Month: January 2016

Internet of Things (IoT) Project-Early Results

I’m having a noise problem with 2 of the sensor but here are the other 4 plotted in real time. The bottom line is the outside temperature. The others are in different places around the garage. Early results on the…

Internet of Things (IoT) Project-Project Plan

Start with the End in Mind.   Goals Understand the nature of the temperature gradient relative to a heated building with attached enclosed space Notify me when there is a risk of garage stores beverages freezing (and possibly bursting) Notify…

Internet of Things (IoT) Project-Part 1

This project is a work in progress.I’m pretty close to being done with phase 1.   The Project: (The need for knowledge.) From practical experience, I know that the temperature closer to the heated structure is warmer than further away.…

Tracking the Position of a live Mouse

Placecell research. That’s what it is called.   In our brains, there are cells that become active when you are somewhere familiar. This is how we can drive home and not even remember taking the exit ramp off the highway.…